I recently bought a used Tokina AF 28-70mm f/2.6-2.8 AT-X Pro lens in an excellent condition for my D700. This lens has a reputation to be a bargain because it is well built (solid metal) and people say, it has a quite good optical quality. There are some rumors and myths about the Angenieux design of that lens. It is said that the lens is a little soft wide open, but I did not find satisfying sample images to tell me wheather it is worth buying or not. So I added some for those people who may have the same concerns.
Sample shots have been taken free-handed. I added the exif data under each photo, just klick on any image and compare by yourself. I intended to compare same motives with different aperture settings (f2.6/2,6 – f4 – f5.6 – f8).